The right knowledge provides safer fall protection
Working at height can be dangerous – for that reason it is important to be aware of the risks and to know how to prevent them. Our courses at the Safetyrespect Academy help you create a safer working environment.
Through SafetyRespect Academy, we teach you how our products should be used – within our whole range of collective and personal fall protection. We help you find the training course that is relevant to your project or the combination of courses that best suits your company or your workplace.
Our courses are linked together in an on-line training platform – Academy Portal. You can access course materials, view your certificates and in some cases also do training courses. The material is available in the training portal at all times.
The training courses described here are those belonging to our basic range. We can also develop a customised solution if your company so requires, such as training in another place or in a larger group.
In all our courses, except the on-line introductory course, participants receive a digital certificate upon passing the course. The certificate is valid for three years.