Pre-cast concrete staircases are commonly used in multi storey structures benefitting from the advantages of offsite construction and removing the need for shuttering and insitu concrete. They offer immediate access for safe site movement when fitted with a temporary edge protection system.
SafetyRespect offer two connection methods that leave stair risers accessible for fitting permanent handrails upon completion. Our technical support is available to detail and schedule the components required to ensure the safety of anyone using stairflights during the temporary edge protection phase.
Adjustable Clamp 550 is used when drilled anchors is to be avoided. The clamp can be swivelled and turned around, and be installed in one simple operation without damaging the concrete surface. Precast stairs are commonly installed inside cores, lowered by crane from above with only small spaces between the side of the stairflight and the inner core walls. This determines that the temporary edge protection should be installed on top of the stairs, with inadequate space for an adjustable clamp. A Socket base is then anchored to the top of the steps to accept a Post 1,3 and Adjustable link bars.