Tag: polyisobutylene based

Tool tethering tape consists of a roll of non-adhesive, polyisobutylene based self-amalgamating tape

Tool tethering tape

Tool tethering tape consists of a roll of non-adhesive, polyisobutylene based self-amalgamating tape

Tool tethering tape consists of a roll of non-adhesive, polyisobutylene based self-amalgamating tape with strong elastic qualities. Backed by a thin film that can be stripped off cleanly. The tape is suitable for creating connection points to tools up to 10 kg in weight. Tool lanyard tape is easy to unwind, flexible, has excellent conformability to awkward shapes and is water, ozone and UV resistant with good high and low temperature performance.

Cut a 500 mm length of the tape and wrap through a dee-ring placed on a suitable part of the tools handle that won’t affect the way that the tool is used. Remove the backing paper in short lengths applying the tape in layers, stretching the tape as its applied to the tool handle. Overlapping the tape causes it to contact between layers and merge to achieve a strong bond.

B.T. Spec.M128 Part No: 071309.

+12°C to +25°C. Tapes stored below the minimum recommended temperature will require warming up to that level before use. Up to 24 hours may be required for this to take place.

Technical specifications
Measurements: Length 10 m x 25 mm wide.
Typical values thickness: 0,50 mm 20,0 N/cm 600%.
Breaking load elongation: 17 kV/mm 0,5% max. Yes.
Dielectric strength, water absorption: -30°C to +100°C, 0°C to +40°C.
RoHS compliant temperature for application, storage temperature: +12°C to +25°C.
Pack contents: 1 roll.

Tool tethering tape consists of a roll of non-adhesive, polyisobutylene based self-amalgamating tape

Tool tethering tape consists of a roll of non-adhesive, polyisobutylene based self-amalgamating tape