Tag: rescue

rescue training for working at height

SRT05 Rescue from height training

rescue training for working at height
It is a requirement of the Work at Height Regulations 2005, that a Rescue Plan has been written and is in place whenever an individual is working at a height which if fallen from, could cause serious injury. This is known as a Working at Height Rescue Plan.

It is important that the details of a Working at Height Rescue Plan are specific to the environment, structure and equipment to be used so those that need to be rescued can be quickly and safely recovered without putting anybody else at risk.
A Working at Height Rescue Plan should include the following information
Have we planned adequate anchorage points for the rescuer?
Have we trained the rescuers to a high level of competence?
Which equipment is most suitable for this type of rescue?
How will you know if someone needs rescuing?
How quickly and safely can we get a rescuer to them?
How quickly can you get them to a safe place?
Can we assess any medical, or other, needs of the individual during and after the rescue?

A competent person (somebody who has sufficient training, experience, and knowledge of rescue equipment) must supervise and carry out working at height rescues.
They must be informed if the rescue equipment is changed. They should also receive refresher training annually.
The rescuer should have the skills and knowledge to:
Inspect, anchor, assemble, and use fall protection and rescue equipment safely.
Recognise fall hazards.
Implement fall hazard control measures.
Conduct fall protection and rescue procedures.
Inspect equipment and systems before use.

Training course ref: SRT5
This is a site based practical course for those that have successfully completed foundation course SST1
Duration: Eight hours
Maximum attendees: 6 persons
A person may fall while connected to a Work Restraint or Fall Arrest system and become suspended in their harness; if a person is suspended even for a short period of time this can result in a life-threatening condition known as suspension trauma.
Full Day Rescue Kit Training Course focussing on method and equipment utilised in the occurrence of a fall incident.

rescue training at construction site SafetyRespect UK

Attendee’s must have reached a good basic level of competency for working at height from the foundation courses.
Each of the delegates nominated for rescue training will be required to retrieve a weighted dummy back onto the floor he is operating on.
The delegates will have to have shown competence in the Work Restraint session and have permission to work on an unprotected edge of slab using the Work Restraint.

The Scissorsafe trainer will bring a Rescue kit and man-sized dummy ( weight 150kg).
Temporary parking arrangement and assistance required to unload / reload the Trainer’s vehicle and carry the equipment to the demonstration area.

A safe area of concrete deck with Anchor points, Temporary edge protection in place and a nominated supervisor to manage the area.
The Trainer can conduct theory and practical elements of this course in this area which must be of sufficient area to maintain two metres between delegates, supervisor and trainer.
Ideally this area will be on a lower floor of the structure or alternatively over a Canti-deck – this makes the lowering of the dummy faster and speeds up the process of one to one practical training.
Each of the delegates nominated for rescue training will be required to retrieve a weighted dummy back onto the floor he is operating on.
The delegates will have to have shown competence in the Work Restraint session and have permission to work on an unprotected edge of slab using the Work restraint.

A nominated supervisor is required to remove a small section of the temporary edge protection (one barrier width – approx 2.4 metres ) to allow a trained person connected to a Work Restraint, system to lower the dummy over the edge of the slab.
The dummy is laid flat near the edge of the slab, then pushed over by foot, there is no chance for the dummy to attach to the person pushing it over.

Upon completion of training, delegates are assessed for for their understanding of the methods and rescue equipment that they have been instructed to use.
We will endeavour to ensure that all every trainee has reached a good level of competence through one to one instruction and repeated practise or explanations of the equipment and procedures.
Training certificates in paper and plastic card format are produced for all successful delegates.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss the suitability of this safety component for the application you want to use it for.

safety net fan for wall structures as fall protection at construction site UK

Safety nets and safety screens

Assembly and safety

Basic training in how to install safety nets. The training includes terms, definitions, classification and configurations of safety nets according to the EN1263-1 & 2 standards, safety requirements for assembly and dismantling and what an inspection must include. The course has practical elements, but the training is mainly theoretical.

Previous knowledge required: On-line – Introduction to fall protection.
Course length: 4 hours.
Number of participants: Maximum of 10.
Location: SafetyRespect’s premises.

Repair, handling and logistics

Basic training in how to handle safety nets as individuals, how to inspect them and how to repair them. The training course contains both theoretical and practical elements.

Previous knowledge required: On-line – Introduction to fall protection.
Course length: 4 hours.
Number of participants: Maximum of 8.
Location: SafetyRespect’s premises.

Safety net fall protection

Training courses collective fall protection

Collective fall protection – Basic

Training courses collective fall protection

The training provides a basic understanding of collective fall protection, laws and regulations, overall product knowledge and how different fall protection situations can be solved with the right products. You learn to work safely when constructing and dismantling.

Previous knowledge required: On-line course – Introduction to fall protection (included).
Course length: 4 hours.
Number of participants: Maximum of 8.
Location: SafetyRespect’s premises.

Training courses collective fall protection

Training courses fall protection

Introduction to fall protection

Training courses fall protection

An on-line introduction for anyone working in an environment where there is a risk of falling. The course provides knowledge about the rules that apply, different fall protection methods and which products are suitable for use in different situations.

Previous knowledge required: None.
Course length: 1 hour.
Number of participants: Unlimited number.
Location: Distance learning, via a browser.

SafetyRespect Academy

SafetyRespect Academy

SafetyRespect Academy

Our training courses in personal fall protection and temporary edge protection help you create a safer working environment at construction sites. Contact us for more information about the different courses we offer.

At the start of new projects we provide training for installers and safety representatives in relation to laws and regulations, as well as relevant edge protection solutions. The installers are also instructed with regard to self-inspections with checklists and working methods. The training and instructions are adapted to the requirements of the projects and when possible carried out on site.

SafetyRespect Academy

SafetyRespect Academy

SafetyRespect Academy

SafetyRespect Academy